We consider it important to embrace all the experiences of children in school when planning the Curriculum.
At Bringhurst we want our children to develop a love for reading. We will support them to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence so they can make a difference in the world, and above all things, we want our children to be kind. Our curriculum helps us to achieve these aims.
We teach a carefully sequenced, knowledge-rich curriculum which aims to inspire pupils and promote excellent outcomes for all. The curriculum content has been carefully chosen by our own subject experts and is organised in a coherent way, ensuring children can build on their knowledge from year to year. In this way, the knowledge in the curriculum is cumulative, constructing firm foundations and schema from which children can progress and develop deeper conceptual understanding and subject-specific knowledge and skills over time.
Our curriculum also values talk, discussion and reflection. Children have time to think deeply and learn how to discuss their ideas and opinions as well as taking time to listen to and understand the ideas of others.
Core Subjects
English underpins much of the primary curriculum and mastery of the basic areas allows full access to that curriculum. Our approach to the acquisition of language is clearly set out in the school’s English policy.
The school has adopted fully the National Literacy Framework and operates a daily literacy hour. The phonics scheme that is followed at Bringhurst Primary School is Read Write Inc.
At Bringhurst Primary School, we highly value reading as a key life skill and are dedicated to enabling our children to become lifelong readers. Literature, especially, plays a key role in such development. Reading enables children both to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know. Through reading, children have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually.
our reading curriculum intent statement 2020 2021.pdf
bringhurst writing curriculum intent statement .pdf
Speaking and Listening
We place great emphasis on developing the speaking and listening skills of our pupils. Children should communicate clearly, fluently and efficiently, expressing their ideas to a widening range of circumstances and demands. Children should be able to listen, understand and respond to others.
At Bringhurst we understand that Mathematics is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. We provide a high-quality mathematics education that provides a foundation for understanding the world, develops an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics and creates a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. Our pupils leave our primary academies as confident, resilient mathematicians who can demonstrate conceptual and procedural fluency with the ability to reason mathematically and efficiently solve problems.
The Bringhurst Maths curriculum is designed to ensure that all children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. Over time they will develop the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately and therefore create a deeper conceptual understanding of the relationships and connections between the different mathematical strands. The children are taught how to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing difficulty, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. They are also taught how to explain their thinking and reasoning using precise mathematical language.
At Bringhurst we teach for Mastery. Our lessons involve whole class teaching in mixed attainment learning partners. For more details please click here.
There are three main elements to DRET Primary Science Curriculum:-
- Knowledge and conceptual understanding. These are sequenced, and children must gain a secure understanding of each block of learning to support progression, and a depth of understanding, as they progress through their learning.
- Nature, process, and methods of science (working scientifically). This is not taught as a separate strand but instead is woven through every lesson. This enables children to develop their skills as a scientist by applying their knowledge and understanding.
- Critical thinking around big questions that are current and relevant to children in today's society. Children understand that applications of science often have ethical, social, economic and political implications and are provided with opportunities to reflect and debate these issues.
We believe that every child is a scientist; we challenge stereotypes and barriers. We also recognise the part we play in building Science Capital from an early age to support full engagement with science in education for throughout the learning journey. Across the curriculum, explicit links are made to other STEM subjects. Children are exposed regularly to the work of real-life scientists, from the past, and are given opportunities to engage with the work of scientists today. Children are also given opportunities to recognise that scientific explanations, theories and models are those that best fit the facts known at a particular time. Creating learning opportunities that develop a sense of excitement and curiosity is fundamental to support children's learning in science. Across the Primary Phase, carefully chosen stories are used to support and enhance children's knowledge and understanding and also to provide opportunities for discussion around real life.
bringhurst science curriculum intent statement .pdf
Religious Education & Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
PHSE is taught through the Jigsaw Programme. This gives children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others. Emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, are prioritized through the progressive, well-planned scheme of work ensuring our children develop their emotional awareness, concentration and focus. The Jigsaw scheme of work is also enhanced through whole school PHSE days at the start of each half term and by responding to the needs of the children through pupil voice and local and world events.
Religious Education plays a central role within Bringhurst Primary School. At Bringhurst we use the Northants agreed syllabus for Religious Education which is planned through a big question each half term, broken down into six smaller questions to explore each week in the statutory RE lesson. We aim to teach the theory of religion but also link it to the world we live in and the local community, encouraging children to understand the similarities and differences of each religion, making religious understanding real and meaningful. RE is a visible, engaging and inspiring subject for the children at Bringhurst Primary School.
Foundation subjects
History and Geography
At Bringhurst, History is a subject that inspires pupils to want to know more about the past. Our History Curriculum is sequenced coherently so useful knowledge builds through six unifying themes;
- humans and the environment
- cultural developments and interactions
- governance
- economic systems
- system interaction and organisation
- technology and innovation
As a result of the accumulation of essential knowledge, pupil's cultural capital and historical disciplines will be substantial and will provide a secure foundation that will enable them to succeed in the next stage of their education.
At Bringhurst, Geography is a subject that inspires pupils to be curious about the world around them so they become fascinated with the diverse places, people and environments across the Earth. Our Geography Curriculum is sequenced coherently so useful knowledge builds through two distinct strands;
- locational knowledge
- human and physical geography
As a result of the accumulation of essential knowledge pupils are provided with the frameworks and approaches that explain how the Earth's features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time, enabling them to become true global citizens.
history curriculum intent 2021 1 .pdf
geography curriculum intent 20 21 1 .pdf
We aim to give children an art education based on close observation in order to develop the full potential of each individual. Expression through art is important and the teaching of basic skills is integrated into our art curriculum. We encourage children to express their own feelings and to appreciate the creative expression of others. Children are introduced to a variety of techniques and media. They are given the opportunity to develop aesthetic awareness, appreciation and to satisfy their natural urge to be creative.
We aim to promote an appreciation of many different types of music, to develop listening skills and encourage children to perform and compose their own work. Children develop musical and technical skills through a variety of musical activities, including music activities integrated into other areas of the curriculum.
Music is delivered on a weekly basis throughout the school year. Music enrichment and extension activities are provided through specialist music lessons, involvement in music challenges, music clubs (school choir), and opportunities to work with music experts. Pupils with particular interest in music are given the opportunity to extend their skills through additional music tuition. Weekly musical assemblies promote the children’s singing and appreciation of music.
Physical Education
Physical Education forms a relevant part of the curriculum as it is important for promoting the physical welfare of children.
Over their primary school career children will take part in gymnastics, games, dance, athletics, outdoor adventurous activities and swimming, An understanding of water safety and survival is an integral part of P.E. curriculum. P.E. activities take place both inside and outside the school grounds.
Design Technology
Design technology capability requires pupils to combine their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding to design and make products. Design and Technology may often be integrated into other areas of the curriculum as well as being taught in a discrete subject.
For further information about the curriculum followed at Bringhurst Primary School please contact us.
Bringhurst British Values
The Trust is very supportive of the ethos of promoting British Values, and preparing our pupils for success in a modern Britain.
A heavy reliance is placed upon broadening horizons for each and every child and this includes developing the core skills of tolerance, respect, teamwork, resilience and building self-esteem. These are all values and qualities that we feel are relevant in order to play a full and meaningful role in society, and are promoted via our extensive house system that lends itself to cultural and sporting competition, democratic principles, social mixing, the development of greater pastoral care and enhanced PSHE.
Click here to find out more about British Values at our academy
Curriculum Newsletters
Academic Year 2021/2022
- Turing Class Year 6 Summer 1 Curriculum Newsletter
- Letter to parents 31st March 2022
- Jackson Class Year 4 Curriculum Newsletter Summer 1
- Hawking Class Year 5 Summer 1 Curriculum Newsletter
- Franklin Class Year 3 Summer 1 Curriculum Newsletter
- Darwin Class Year 1 Summer 1 Curriculum Newsletter
- Archimedes Class Year 2 Summer 1 Newsletter 2021 22
- Anning Class Reception Summer 1 Curriculum Newsletter docx
- Turing Class Year 6 Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter
- Jackson Class Year 4 Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter
- Hawking Class Year 5 Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter
- Franklin Class Year 3 Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter
- Darwin Class Year 1 Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter
- Archimedes Class Year 2 Spring 2 Newsletter
- Anning Class Spring Term 2 Curriculum Newsletter