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Bringhurst Primary School

Bringhurst Primary School is committed to ensuring that all pupils gain maximum benefit from their time with us.

Remote Learning

Headteacher's Message

January 2021 - Following the school closure from 4th January 2021, the staff at Bringhurst Primary School have created all the remote learning provisions for the year groups across the school. Our learning for KS1 and KS2 classes has now switched to the Google Classroom online platform and to a mixture of Tapestry for our Reception Class. Teaching videos and learning activities can be found on Google Classroom as this our main format going forward and has been created and tailored by the teachers to help make your learning experience at home similar and help you feel supported at home.

Weekly Assemblies are also shared on Google Classroom and include a Monday afternoon Whole School Assembly led by Mrs Brett and a virtual Celebration Assembly on a Friday afternoon. Also look out for our Weekly Wall of Fame video which showcases outstanding learning from the week. Teachers also create a weekly highlights presentation on a Friday so everyone can share the fantastic learning that has happened through that week.

If you are having difficulties accessing your child’s work, or need any support with Remote Learning at home, please contact the school office on 01536 605146 or

Each week, like the previous lock-down, staff will contact you to check that everything is going well and to see if there is anything else we can do to help. Furthermore, they will be available through Google Classroom marking the children's work and answering questions.

If children are self-isolating, they MUST still complete work daily following the timetable of their class and return ALL work through Google Classroom, so that the teacher can give summary feedback about areas for improvement.

If the year group bubble has to close, children MUST move to remote learning and continue to follow the timetable.

Should you have any further queries please contact the school on 01536 605146.

Parent.DRET.Cloud - Parent Guidance and Support

Primary.DRET.Cloud - Student Remote Access

Well-being links for parents and pupils

Here are some websites where parents can get advice if they are concerned about their child:  – Young Minds are the leading children’s mental health charity. This website is useful for children (mainly the older children) but there is a designated section for parents and carers. You can also speak with a professional on here for further advice. – On here you can find advice about a range of different things connected with family life, school, mental health and wellbeing. – Leading mental health charity where you can access information and advice from professionals. – Another one of the top mental health charities – here is a link for the parent/carer guide to supporting their child’s mental health.

Specifically for COVID-19
GOV.UK released this document for parents/carers to support their children through the current crisis. They released a partner document directly to use with children which is useful.

The following websites and Apps are those that children may find useful for expressing their emotions and are a place for them to seek further support.

Monarch’s Mission is a really useful game which has been designed to help younger children understand their emotions, facial expressions/body language and appropriate ways to cope with each emotion they face. This is a good basis for those infants to being their learning about emotion coaching and regulation. the children to explore their emotions by selecting the ‘mood monster’, ‘word’ or ‘colour’ that they feel. This then takes them to a page where there is advice and coping strategies linked with that particular emotion. There is an activities page where children can ‘doodle’ or ‘sync your breathing’. Additionally, the ‘My Plan’ page provides a space for the child to create their own emotion plan. They select an emotion and then create ‘ideas’ of coping strategies and activities to use when they feel that particular emotion. The explore page can help them to do this. They can then save the plan and/or print it off. This is a really useful tool for expressing emotions, particularly for children who struggle to verbalise and understand how they feel. is broken down into different sections for different ages and also has a section for parents/carers. The children select their category and then, similarly to Memotional, select the emotion they are feeling. They then choose from a range of reason categories, for example, they could choose ‘school’ or ‘home’. From here, the children are taken to a page which provides them with activities and social stories which are related to their selected category. There is also a webchat/email support service. Younger children should be supervised when on the website. The webchat may be useful for older children who feel they need to speak with somebody outside of their home, especially during our current situation where they are completely isolated at home and away from friends and extended family. The service is available 24/7. can be used as a webpage or as an App. This website is brilliant in so many ways. For those children involved in regular review meetings, social worker meetings or are under CP, it gives them space to express how they feel, write it down and send it to their key workers. offers every child access to counselling around the clock, as well as their own personalised area to express themselves, get advice and update their ‘mood journal’. Each child can create their own space within a place called ‘My Locker’. They sign up using email & password – for younger children, you may want to supervise this. For the older children (top juniors) and teenagers, this is a good way of getting professional advice privately. is another online counselling service open to children aged 11-18. Here, like ChildLine, children can long on and create their own profile where they can also access a ‘daily journal’. Professional advice is available from the online counsellors and there is an online ‘Kooth Community’ where like-minded individuals can support each other. 


At Bringhurst, remote education ensures continuous learning outside the classroom. For our pupils, it’s the perfect way to ensure they still get the education they need, despite not being at school. However, it also requires a level of discipline and careful planning. That’s why we’ve shared these guides to help pupils and parents understand different aspects of remote education and to support them in ensuring their experience is as safe and secure as it can be. In these guides, you'll find tips on a number of potential issues such as privacy, healthy screen time and making sure the appropriate systems and communication channels are in place so that children get the most out of their remote education experience.

Remote Learning Top Tips

remote education top tips for children.pdf

remote education top tips for parents.pdf

tips for children with new devices.pdf

Keeping Safe Online

keeping safe online children.pdf

keeping safe online parents.pdf

E-Safety Documents

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